Custom K-12 Engineering by Dr. Ann P. McMahon
Custom K-12 Engineering by Dr. Ann P. McMahon

Your Bridge to Excellence in K-12 STEM Outreach

Photo credit: Ann P. McMahon

Maximize the Impact of Your K-12 STEM Outreach Programs

You want to reach out and inspire students to choose STEM careers, but does your program and delivery have the impact you desire? Let me help you build a bridge between the professionals in your industry and teachers and students in K-12 school systems. Pricing depends on the service package we design together.

Building a School's System Dynamics Model in Collaboration with Stakeholders

Programs for STEM Professionals

Working with Teachers and Students: What STEM Professionals Need to Know


K-12 school culture is very different from the culture in which most STEM professionals work. What are the similarities and differences, and how can they affect your work with teachers and students? I share the results of my groundbreaking research about the mental models that teachers and engineers hold of the engineering design process. I use my findings to give you specific strategies for maximizing the impact of your work in schools.

Five Keys to Inspiring K-12 Students


You have a unique and compelling story about how you came to be a STEM professional and what it means to you. How you communicate this to students has the potential to inspire the next generation of STEM professionals. I teach you five easy ways to tailor your message for maximum impact.

How to Get the Most from Your Partnerships with Schools


What are the characteristics of productive partnerships between schools and other organizations? How can you cultivate relationships that thrive and grow with changing circumstances? I share my experience building and sustaining long-term partnerships among schools, businesses, universities, and informal science institutions.

Your Life as a STEM Professional: Insights You Can Offer Teachers and Students


Most teachers and students are curious about your profession but do not understand what you do or how you do it. How can you communicate your experiences as a STEM professional so teachers and students can imagine themselves in your role? I share the insights that enabled me to translate my experiences as a professional engineer to the world of K-12 teachers and students. I'll help you use them to craft your powerful message.

The Six Biggest Mistakes STEM Professionals Make With K-12 Teachers and Students


Have you ever worked with teachers and/or students and wondered why it wasn't a better experience? Have you wondered what you could have done differently? I share common mistakes that cause classroom flops and how you can avoid them.

STEM Outreach Program Design

I have designed, launched, and expanded award winning STEM outreach programs for corporations and universities. As both a school district science curriculum coordinator and an external STEM education consultant, I have a track record of creating and managing collaborative partnerships among STEM professionals, K-12 schools, informal STEM education institutions, and institutions of higher education. I have worked as an engineer in industry and as a teacher and administrator in K-12 education. I am an expert at building effective programs that bridge professional and school cultures.


I am a nationally sought-after expert in:

  • STEM Curriculum Design and Implementation
  • STEM Professional Development
  • Strategic Planning for STEM Initiatives
  • System Dynamics Modeling of Programs and Partnerships
  • External Program Evaluation


Book me for your next event. I am available to bring my expertise, knowledge, and experience to your group for a private or public presentation. I have a distinctive ability to translate cutting edge concepts from various disciplines in science, engineering, neuroscience and education in an exciting and accessible way. I have been invited to address local and national organizations where I speak to groups of educators, parents, students, scientists, engineers, policymakers, and researchers. I will ignite your audience's excitement about invention, innovation and creativity with my enthusiasm for engineering and design in K-12 education. During an hour-long presentation or an entire day training, you won't be bored for one minute!

Interested in booking these dynamic services?
If you have questions or would like to discuss pricing options for your Custom K-12 Engineering service package, please contact me by completing my contact information form, or by calling 314-956-9331.

Watch my TEDxTalk Engineering Empathy in the K-12 Classroom here. Enter password tedxgladstone.

Read why we need more women in STEM fields and what we can do about it here.

Contact Me

Dr. Ann P. McMahon




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